Our Pull the Pin Agents loyalty program allows you to earn points when you purchase Pull the Pin games at your friendly local game store, online, or back us on Kickstarter/Gamefound. The more you support us, the higher rank you'll become in the Pull the Pin Agent program and the more benefits you'll get.
- Earn points for every dollar you spend on purchases for games from PULL THE PIN GAMES®.
- Earn double points for anything you pre-order from us.
- Earn triple points for being a Day 1 Backer on our crowd-funding campaign.
The higher the rank you are, the more benefits you can get. Here's a bunch of them that are available at various levels:
- Discounts on our store accessories, our pre-orders, or anything you add on in the pledge manager after one of our crowd-funding campaigns. The higher level you are, the bigger the discount!
- Exclusive access to playtesting of future games to help us decide which ones we publish and what we change about them.
- Exclusive access to demos with the creators of current and future games.
- Access (or elevated access) on our Discord server and Facebook group.
- Much more!